Welcome to Talking Equities!

Talking Equities is a weekly newsletter that provides information regarding equity analysis, investor spotlights, market conditions, and investing strategies. All information provided in Talking Equities should be considered an opinion and not a fact. All information should also be considered as strictly educational. While I would love to claim I have all the answers to cracking the stock market, I simply do not. Invest at your own discretion!

This is the beginning of a thrilling investing journey!
Let’s make some money.

Welcome investors,

First and foremost, thank you for subscribing to this weekly newsletter and being a part of this journey. If you know me, I nerd out about this sort of thing and it brings me great joy to be able to share the things that I have learned with the people around me!

If you don’t know me, allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Andrew Martinez, I recently graduated from Texas A&M with my M.S. in Finance to pursue deeper knowledge about how I can become a better investor. While I was there, I had the unique opportunity to learn from some very successful people who made a name for themselves within the investing world, whether that be in money management, private markets, or investment banking. This experience has allowed me to gain probably more knowledge than someone realistically needs to invest, so I figure it is best given to others around me instead of being kept in this big head of mine.

Now that introductions are all in place, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of what this week’s newsletter is all about.

Why I created this newsletter

I created this newsletter because I wanted to be able to read something easily digestible and that I could refer to weekly to give me a good understanding of the U.S. stock market. Current options like Morning Brew and Wall Street Journal seemed either too broad or provided too much content to have to shift through to form any real opinion.

I was just looking for simplicity. Many investors like to make things too complicated or speak with so much emotion that you feel instantly motivated to throw your entire retirement on NVIDIA.

My goal is to provide you with a simple and coherent newsletter that you can rely on to become a better investor and stay up to date with our economy and stock market.

What you can expect

  • Weekly updates about market conditions and outlook

    I would like to give relevant sector analysis and economic indicators that can help with investing decisions. Lately, these have been irrelevant (thanks NVIDIA), but in practice, they should be helpful.

  • Equity analysis
    As I said previously, most content on investing in the stock market is either too basic or it is overly complicated and doesn’t give any real justification behind why an investment should work. Some of the greatest investors rely on a select couple of factors to analyze equities to decide whether or not it is a good investment. We will use some of the indicators to analyze relevant equities and grow our portfolios.

  • Investing strategies
    One thing that amazes me about this industry is how there isn’t a space casual investors can go to when they want to develop a simple investing strategy that works. If you didn’t receive a formal education or work in this space (which is most of the people reading this) then you have to refer to books, YouTube videos, and friends. Not really how I would want to make decisions with my hard-earned money! 

    My goal is to give you actionable strategies coupled with explanations so that you can feel confident in your investments.

  • Investor spotlights

    I believe that an important aspect of developing an effective investment strategy is learning what has worked well for the greats before us. We’ll pull from Warren Buffet, Paul Tudor Jones, and Peter Lynch (No I won’t be providing any investing advice from WallStreetBets’ savior Roaring Kitty. The GameStop craze was insane to me).

Looking forward

Newsletters will reach your inbox every Tuesday at 10:00 A.M. Central Time. When I release information about market conditions it will likely be regarding the previous week’s market movement. I’ll be playing around with newsletter formats based on reader feedback so please feel free to let me know what you like and don’t like! I want this newsletter to be so beneficial to you that you can become a pro-investor and be the one who gives your friends investing advice.

One last thing! There’s a chance that this email gets placed in your junk mail. I assure you this is not junk. Hopefully, this becomes a little gold nugget in your week that you can look forward to.

To combat this, please do either of the following

  1. Move this email to your primary inbox

  2. Reply to this email with whatever you’d like. (This helps with telling Google I’m not spam but also lets me hear from you 😉)

That’s all I have for this week! I’m looking forward to this journey with you all and hope to provide some content that you can use to grow your portfolio in the near future.


or to participate.